
毅 樸 誠 勤

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        本校是一所天主教學校,本著耶穌基督 “非以役人,乃役於人”及聖若瑟“實事求是、毅樸誠勤”的精神,培養學生服務社會,造福人群的美德。


        以天主教教義“信、望、愛"的精神為根基,糅合中國傳統文化精髓,幫助學生在靈、德、智、體、群、美六育方面均衡發展。在15年一貫的教育過程中,以培養學生具有良好的品格、創新的精神及積極的人生觀為目標。“聖五人”勇於服務社會,造福人群,活出校訓 “實事求是 己立立人”的精神。


        1. 提供全方位及多元的課程及學習活動,以培養學生的學習興趣,發展學生的潛能,並提昇文化修養和各項共通能力,為學生面對多變的社會作好準備。

        2. 通過學校的課程及與社區機構的緊密合作,培養學生的公民意識,使學生對家庭、社會、國家及整個世界有責任感和承擔。

Mission Statement

        Our school is founded on the teachings and spirit of Jesus Christ, who called us “not to be served, but to serve.” Inspired by St. Joseph’s virtues of truthfulness, simplicity, honesty, and diligence, we are committed to nurturing these values in our students. We aim to empower them to serve their communities and work for the common good.

School Vision

        Our commitment is to empower students to courageously serve their communities, benefiting others as guided by our school motto, “Seek the Truth from Facts. Lift Yourself and Lift Others.” This holistic approach ensures that our students are prepared to lead and inspire, embodying the principles they have learned.

School Mission

        1. Holistic Education: We are committed to offering a holistic and diversified curriculum alongside engaging learning activities. Our aim is to spark students’ passion for learning, unlock their potential, and enhance their cultural and general competencies. This prepares them to navigate and thrive in our ever-evolving society.

        2. Civic Engagement: Through our curriculum and strong partnerships with community organizations, we strive to foster a deep sense of civic awareness among our students. We encourage them to develop a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to their families, local communities, country, and the world at large.